INSTALLATION ------------ 1. Enable the module from the Modules admin page from "Modules" - /admin/modules 2. Grant permission to use this module from "People > Permissions" - /admin/people/permissions#module-comment_notify 3. Set permissions for commenting as per usual from "People > Permissions" - /admin/people/permissions#module-comment 4. Configure the settings for comments for content types from Structure > Content types > [Your content type] > Manage fields > Edit your comment field. - /admin/structure/types/manage/[your_content_type]/fields/[your.comment.field] - e.g. /admin/structure/types/manage/article/fields/node.article.comment - Look for "Anonymous commenting" and set to either: "Anonymous posters may leave their contact information" OR "Anonymous posters must leave their contact information" 5. Configure this module at Configuration > People > Comment Notify - /admin/config/people/comment_notify -Determine which content types to activate it for -Determine which subscription modes are allowed -Configure the templates for the e-mails 6. Set your node-notify settings per user (optional) The module includes a feature to notify the node author of all comments on their nodes. To enable this go to "My account" > Edit (e.g. user/1/edit) and change the settings there, i.e., "Comment follow-up notification settings" TEMPLATE TRANSLATION -------------------- Notification templates are passed through t() before being added to the email's body. Therefore, for you to translate them to other languates you need to: 1. Enable the Locale module. 2. Choose a node in which you are not the auther and has comments and comment on it. This will send an email to the author and other commenters. 3. Open the Translation Interface, located at admin/config/regional/translate/translate 4. Search for the template strings and add the translations. OPTIONAL MODULES ---------------- Performance: If you notice that your site is very slow when submitting new comments it is possible that the problem is with sending the mails. One option is to use the Queue Mail module COMPATIBILITY NOTE ------------------ Comment Notify is not built to work on sites where other notification related modules are installed (modules like Actions, Notify, Subscriptions, and Organic Groups are popular examples). If you install both Comment Notify and one of these other mail modules on your site in addition to Comment Notify it may send duplicate messages and/or have user interface elements that will appear to be duplicates and confuse your site visitors. The suggested configuration in these instances is to separate Comment Notify and whatever other mail module you have installed. Common ways to separate them are by content type or user permissions.